Why You Are Here
What are you looking for? 
  • A way to manage  life’s transitions such as retirement, loss of a loved one, job loss, a move, graduation, divorce, or illness?
  • Spirit Messages from family, friends, or guides?
  • Insight into who you are, what is happening now, and what the future may hold for you?
  • Relief from physical and/or emotional pain, or shorter healing time?
Where do you find guidance? 
  • Boom Life (Balance, Opportunities, Optimism, Mindfulness) will provide you with the ability to develop solutions to smooth out life’s transitions.
  • Mediumship readings can connect you with your loved ones who have passed to gain comfort and clarity from their messages.
  • Intuitive Tarot readings will provide you with information and insight in understanding yourself, your opportunities, and your challenges now and in the future.
  • Reiki is an energy healing technique with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy through your body to reduce stress and promote healing.